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Secured HIPAA Compliance Data Servers

Safely store data | Save money | Meet compliance requirements

Designed by Experts

Designed by Experts

We have designed astounding Electronic Health Records systems with absolute precision over the years. Bluebash’s experienced team of professionals and Developers delivers the Best Quality of EHR Systems, In addition to its effectiveness, our technology is easy to use.

Compliance & Security

HIPPA Compliance & Security

Our HIPAA compliant EHR software solutions must meet the highest quality standards and comply with protected health information (PHI) policies, so patient data can be transmitted securely and safely. In addition, we offer, scalable, and optimized data storage.

24 * 7 Support and Monitoring

all time support

BlueBash not only delivers quality EHR software solutions but also maintains and monitors your Medical Records System. Depending on the market segment, post-launch services will be expanded to enhance engagement.

Features of An EHR That Is Highly Rated

Features of EHR


We provide EHR systems that enable secure and safe transmission of e-Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS), as well as meet the medical test requirements between pharmacies. Prescription drug stores and other healthcare providers.

Pharmacy Automation

Pharmacy Automation

Automation of formulation compounding, prescription filling, and other pharmacy operations is one way we improve pharmacy workflows and accuracy. Our Security best practices are implemented on prescription dispensers and cabinets.

Electronic billing & insurance

Electronic Billing & Insurance

In addition to medical billing, We design EHR systems for point-of-care payments, deductibles, and coinsurance with electronic billing and payment gateways. A simple few clicks will enable you to create an accurate Electronic billing and Insurance Reminder.

Advanced Integrated Systems

Advanced Integrated Systems

Health care and innovation are always intertwined. In order to deliver the highest quality solutions, we update our regulations, administrative practices, and EHR software from time to time as per the requirements.

Health Information Exchange Interface

Health Information Exchange Interface

With our custom Health Information Exchange interfaces, You can seamlessly integrate multiple clinical data systems with ease and at a higher level of detailed information. Bluebash Secure & feature-rich HIE patient portals Integrate information from multiple sources and engage the patient with quality measures and solutions.

Our acknowledgement

Bluebash Verified by Clutch Bluebash Verified by GoodFirm
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EHR Software developers EHR Software developers

Create custom specialty-specific notes with our EHR Software in less than 90 seconds.

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