Data Annotation Services

Improve the efficiency of your AI models with accurate annotation of text, image, audio, and video data. Our data annotation service includes adding annotations or metadata to raw data using various techniques, enabling AI models to identify patterns, relationships, and meanings in the data. We excel in generating top-tier AI training data, ensuring precision and quality control during the model training phase.

data annotation hero


Bluebash offers data annotation services tailored to each client's specific needs. Our primary labeling services include top-notch text, video, audio, and image annotation. Bluebash team collaborates with clients to customize processes, ensuring the validation of annotation work meets their quality standards. Our skilled subject matter experts swiftly deliver all annotation tasks with precision.

Our Data Engineering Services

Generative Ai Consulting

Image Annotation

Leveraging advanced techniques such as bounding boxes, polygon annotation, key point annotation, LiDar, semantic segmentation, semantic annotation, and image classification, our AI experts meticulously label both general and industry-specific images. Every pixel of an image is scrutinized to ensure high-quality results.

CVideo Annotation

Video Annotation

With proficiency in video footage labeling, we efficiently train computer vision models for object detection and identification. Our diverse video annotation techniques, including bounding boxes, polygon annotation, key point annotation, and semantic segmentation, cater to various industries, supporting applications like self-driving cars, drones, and robotics.

Text Annotatio

Text Annotation

Our text annotation service aids tasks such as sentiment analysis, intent analysis, and named entity recognition (NER) which is tailored for natural language processing and machine learning models. Our expert team utilizes advanced annotation tools and techniques to annotate large data volumes swiftly and efficiently, saving businesses time and resources.

Audio Transcription and 

Audio Transcription and Annotation

Unlocking the full potential of audio data, our service provides transcription and annotation for applications like market research and speech recognition. We convert audio content into machine-readable text and label it for tasks such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and conversation categorization.

Data Annotation Techniques We Use

Here are the data annotation techniques we utilize to ensure accuracy and quality control throughout the AI training data development process

Bounding Boxes

Bounding Boxes

This technique is employed to annotate data in fields like machine learning, robotics, autonomous vehicles, and retail, accurately classifying objects in images and videos.

3D Cuboid Annotation

3D Cuboid Annotation

Utilizing the 3D cuboid model technique, we enable the model to grasp the object’s shape, size, and orientation for more informed decision-making.

Landmark Annotation

Landmark Annotation

This technique identifies specific points on natural objects such as faces, aiding in determining emotional characteristics and facilitating highly targeted marketing campaigns for personalized customer experiences.

Skeletal Annotations

Skeletal Annotations

Through skeletal annotation, we curate extensive datasets of annotated skeletal images, training machine learning algorithms for more efficient and accurate medical diagnoses.

Polygon Annotation

Polygon Annotation

Using polygon annotation, we create intricate outlines around objects in videos and images, simplifying the identification and localization of specific products.

Semantic Segmentation

Semantic Segmentation

By employing semantic segmentation, we overcome the visual limitations of legacy computers, enhancing their ability to interpret 2D image data and providing users with a more detailed understanding of image content.

3D Point Cloud Annotation

3D Point Cloud Annotation

Training models with 3D point cloud annotation improves accuracy and detail in object detection and classification, offering customers more precise measurements of dimensional attributes for enhanced performance and decision-making.

Polyline Annotation

Polyline Annotation

Polyline annotation enables autonomous cars and other mobile technologies to detect and follow lane markings on roadways effectively, enhancing safety and reliability.

Do you Need help with data annotation services?

Consult with our experts , they would be happy to help.


Artificial Intelligence Tools and Platforms

Explore cutting-edge AI tools and platforms for advanced analytics, machine learning, natural language processing, and innovative solutions.


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Mr. Vishal Garg
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CTO, Co-founder
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Mr. Anuj Kumar
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CEO, Co-founder
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Mr. Pranav Batra
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Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
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Mr. Ankit Mathuria
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Senior Vice President (SVP)

Frequently Asked Questions

We are a reputable data annotation service provider and have a robust quality control process in place to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the annotations. This includes multiple rounds of reviews and verification by experienced annotators and automated systems.

Yes you can get customized data annotations as per your need. With the help of our dedicated team of AI specialists you can manage your annotations and machine learning model.

A data annotation service involves manual or automated data labeling for training machine learning models. The process of labeling data involves tagging images, text and other types of data with relevant metadata or annotations.

Data annotation is a crucial step in the development of machine learning models. The accuracy of a machine learning model depends on the quality of the labeled data it is trained on. A data annotation service can ensure your model is trained on accurate and relevant data.

The process of data annotation typically involves a team of annotators who manually review and label data or an automated system that uses machine learning algorithms for annotating it. The annotated data is then reviewed and verified for accuracy before being delivered to the client.

Increased data annotation accuracy leads to more reliable ML models, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. Accurate and consistent data annotation reduces the time it takes to develop and deploy ML models, which can give businesses a competitive advantage.